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The Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011Views: 406
Sep 01, 2011 6:11 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

This is the new Thread for My n etwork Marketing Messages for September 2011.

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sep 01, 2011 6:17 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Laughter is like sunshine

By: Robert prentice

When I am teaching and training in my seminars I always like to sprinkle in a little humor. To me, there is nothing in the world like hearing a room full of people enjoying a good old- fashioned belly laugh. Of course, you know I always keep my humor very clean and wholesome. Generally, I play myself down a little bit or bring humor out in the story via a punch line or little quip.

I must admit that for many years now, I have been "addicted" to hearing the laughter of others. When I am able to make people laugh, it's even better than the paycheck, though it is pretty hard to pay my electric bill with a good joke. Seems they always want cash, and if they don't get it-well you know what can happen then. And that's no joke!

Seriously now, laughter has many benefits. Laughter reduces stress, makes us healthier, and invigorates the oxygen going through our system, and I think it even makes us a little smarter. I believe every one should try to have at least one good laugh each day. Whenever I begin to experience negative stress in my life I turn on the laugh-o-meter, and look for ways to find humor in the littlest of things. I might read a humorous story or talk with a funny friend. Reading a joke book is sure to get you laughing in no time at all. Gosh, I've even tried looking in the mirror and making funny faces. Some of us do not have to work very hard at that. Whatever you do, just find the humor. It's out there.

When I hear laughter I am drawn to it like a pool of cool, clean water in the desert. Laughter is like the sun shining on your face on a warm, spring day. There is also a special joy in bringing laughter to others.

Even as I write this, I cannot help but think of a couple of people I know, who can be real sour pusses, because they have allowed silly, minor and trivial garbage steal their joy. I certainly hope you do not allow yourself to ever be a sour puss. Let nothing in life steal your joy. And if you feel like you or someone around you is becoming a bit of a sour puss, stop to think how you might break the tension, by bringing a little humor into the situation.

Go ahead and have a good belly laugh! It's like sunshine to your soul!

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sep 08, 2011 6:25 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

3 Strategies to keep Positive

BY: Josh Hinds

Experiences can alter our state.

As defined by dictionary.com, a state is "a particular condition of mind or feeling."

Our current state can fluctuate depending at least to some degree on what's happening around us. For example, a person gets out of bed -- initially they're experiencing neither an overly negative or positive outlook. They're in a relatively neutral state. Upon getting into the shower, this person realizes they neglected to pay their water bill (evidenced by the fact that the water in the shower doesn't turn on). It's highly likely that the person's state is going to go from neutral to negative in no time flat.

We could just as easily have looked at a more positive example and seen how a person can quickly begin to benefit from what a more positive outlook can give them.

Think back on a time where you felt as though something wasn't going to work out, only to have everything fall into place perfectly. If you really give it some thought you'll remember that feeling of seeing your state literally change for the better almost instantly. It happens frequently, but we don't always notice it because we rarely take the time to be aware of it in the first place.

Shifting to a more positive state is conducive to your experiencing a more fulfilled outlook in both your personal and professional life.

Here are 3 strategies for shifting your state:

1. Plan For It.

Introduce things, people, and experiences which have proven in the past to make you feel good or experience positive feelings in your regular routine. Remember, how we feel can and does change because of the events, people, and things which we come into contact with. It only makes sense to plan interactions that alter our current state in a positive way. For example, if you have a favorite movie which always makes you feel good when you see it, the obvious thing to do would be to watch it more often. You'll very quickly begin to perk up. The same can be said for making a quick call to a friend or anyone who always tends to make you feel better.

2. Note it.

Take note of your current state -- how you feel and what might have led to how you're feeling in the moment. Sometimes something simple as watching too much "negative news" can end up pulling us into feelings of despair or gives us a sense that the sky is falling.

While it is true that what we may have watched was indeed a terrible tragedy or event, it's not true that it's necessarily representative of all that's happening around you. In most cases, it's just what happens to be getting the most attention. The news as a general rule is hard pressed to run an abundance of "positive, feel good human nature" stories even though they're happening all around us, in all parts of the world.

Take note of what might have helped to put you in the current state you're experiencing. If it's a good one, do more of it. If it's not serving you in some positive way, you can make the choice to counter it with something that will. The choice is yours. If you deem that listening to a particular song makes you feel sad and you keep on listening to it, that's OK, but don't blame the song or the song writer. You made the choice to keep on listening.

Just as your peer group (the people you hang around) can have an impact on you, and what you aspire to in your life, so too can what you choose to listen to or allow your mind to absorb, either consciously or sub-consciously. Be aware of the simple idea that what you take in can have an impact on what manifests itself in the state you find yourself experiencing from moment to moment.

3. Read It.

Make time to read and listen to things of a positive nature. It's simple, but simple works. Scheduling reading time with books or listening to audio programs with a positive message can serve you for the better. Making a conscious decision to learn new skills helps us build our inner belief, which goes a long way towards making us feel better about ourselves and our abilities.

Books and audios do not provide a magic pill or potion. They provide ideas which can work for you if you are willing to try them and apply them to your own life. Personal development is a hands on project. You will need to decide for yourself which ideas work for you. Strategies are simply things to be tried and applied. Keep what works and discard what doesn't.

Do you see the common theme from these tips?

Awareness of what we want, and a willingness to act on the promptings which are revealed, is essential to living a happy life.

You've got to be the biggest part in your own self-growth. As you make the choice to live out the greatness you have within, you'll be on your way to living your best life!

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sep 15, 2011 6:35 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World


By: Miles Patrick Yohnke

Last week I saw Allan. A person I went to high school with. Allan has severe Cerebral Palsy. He is disabled. In a wheelchair. Thankfully his mind is sharp. He had so much trouble getting around from class to class. Our school was very old. It had many floors and so many stairs.

It had been about thirty years since I saw him last. Nothing had changed. He was still the same. Still as clear as then. That same big vibrant smile on his face. And it seemed somewhat fitting as he was being lifted into a vehicle when I saw him.

When I'm on the highway cycling or other sports I perform, I think of people like Allan. And how lucky we are to have our health. We have to use our bodies. They will fail when we don't use them. When we eat improperly. Exercise improves your mood. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. You'll also look better and feel better when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem. Regular physical activity can even help prevent depression. Exercise combats chronic diseases. Regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage high blood pressure and lower the buildup of plaque in your arteries.

And there's more. Regular physical activity can help you prevent type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and certain types of cancer. It is stated that when one exercises there is a sixty percent decrease in getting breast cancer. Why wouldn't one exercise? I just hate seeing people cheat themselves of it.

God creates this beautiful body full of muscle and detail and one doesn't use it. What a sin! It goes hand in hand. People aren't happy in their lives, yet they really do nothing to correct this. They dwell in their own dysfunction. They think they should, that they should do something more with their life. Well, when does this happen? When does this occur? We make that decision. We get just this one life. If waiting for it to happen, then one is in for a long, dark wait.

Unlike Allan we can exercise in many ways in which he may be limited. We should never take that for granted. Today is that day. That flash of light.


Globally recognized and award-nominated engineer, producer, writer, poet and founder and C.E.O. of 5 Star Productions, Miles Patrick Yohnke brings many years of experience to the music industry; including many awards in sales and marketing.

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sep 22, 2011 6:23 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

"Race to the top or settle for Second Best

By: Philip Humbert PHD

It's used in many situations and it has been linked to an education policy of the Obama administration. I love the concept of "racing to the top," or being "king of the hill" and "on top" of just about anything.

To me, it's about being our best as human beings and in our collaboration with others.

But we also face the problem of "settling for the average" or focusing on the "least common denominator." I was recently challenged about this.

I asked some colleagues to review my new ebook, "Most People Don't Change, and How YOU CAN!" Several of them noted that it's written at about a ninth-grade reading level, and they encouraged me to "dumb it down" for better sales. They were concerned that it contains a few large words and some paragraphs are "too long for easy reading."

It was a good suggestion since most books and newspapers are written at the seventh-grade level. But it bothered me. I want to work with folks who strive to achieve their best, people who are willing to think, people who are aiming for the top, who aspire to be more than merely "about average." In the end, I chose not to "dumb down" my book.

This business of settling for "average" is seductive. I recently read that over 50% of the adult population of Detroit, Michigan is "functionally illiterate." That seems so incredible that I choose to believe it's exaggerated or a misprint. How could half the adults in any major city not be able to read and write effectively? Even if the schools failed that badly, wouldn't "most" people (well over half!) go out and learn on their own? Wouldn't at least half the adults find someone to teach them and master this basic skill? I refuse to believe otherwise!

And yet we often settle for "good enough." We hear that Americans are increasingly over-weight and under-exercised. Apparently, the "average" citizen is actually not very healthy! But we settle for doing about what our friends and neighbors do--figuring "average" is good enough. Well, let me ask two questions: How healthy do you want to be? And what are you willing to do about it?

Or how about the phrase, "Don't rock the boat"? We caution each other, "Don't make trouble, don't ask questions, don't raise your voice," and above all, "Go along to get along." Let's all just be average and it'll be alright. Accept that, of course, it won't be "alright."

So, let's take a risk and get personal and political about this--have you written or called your elected representatives lately?

Election season is here and it's your chance to participate. But the "average" citizen doesn't. Historically, most of us have been "too busy." We say, "my voice won't make a difference," or we tell ourselves it's controlled by "the rich" or "the powerful," so "why bother?" Let me suggest that democracy works best when people get involved. Democracy works when YOU get involved.

The temptation to "settle" for watching television, for "going along," for doing our jobs and minding our own business and staying out of trouble is very, very strong. I get that!

But ambitious people rarely fall prey to it. I want TIPS to appeal to folks who will fight that temptation! I want to write for and work with folks who are determined to "be the best" and "race for the top." These are people who read, who expand their vocabularies, who try out new ideas and new methods and strive to be the best they can be. And rarely settle for less.

So We occasionally include big words and long sentences, or even a paragraph that takes a bit of actual reading. I want to appeal to those who are committed to excellence and peak performance, people who refuse to settle for "average" when their talent, their ability, and their dreams are better than that. Together, let's RACE TO THE TOP!

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Sep 29, 2011 6:38 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Messages for September 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

"We Want Ike!": The Gift of Being Included

Ike Ditzenberger had watched his big brothers play football. He grew up idolizing and imitating them. Ike wanted to play football too. And he even dared to talk about his dream of playing college football. Big deal, right? It just means that he is like thousands of other teenagers who dream of being an on-field hero.

As a matter of fact, Ike is quite different from your "average" teenage boy. The 17-year-old junior at Snohomish (Washington) High School has Down Syndrome. His 5-foot-6, 160-pound frame isn't that of an athlete, and he doesn't have the motor skills to compete in a game where he could get hurt very easily.

Ike is fortunate to have a supportive family. More than that, his classmates have given Ike the one gift that matters most to so many kids who have a handicap, look different, or stand out for the wrong reasons - the gift of inclusion. Still more specifically, Snohomish's football coach lets Ike come to practices and hang with the guys he admires. Coach Mark Perry has even created a play that ends every varsity practice. Called the Ike Special, the offense hands the ball to Ike. And he gets the thrill of running it toward a soft defensive line of his friends.

On Friday, Sept. 24, 2010, the traditionally competitive Snohomish was absorbing its fourth loss of the season. A 35-0 drubbing at the hands of undefeated Lake Stevens High was mercifully about to end. With 10 seconds left on the clock, Coach Perry heard the "We want Ike!" chant from the stands, put Ike Ditzenberger into the backfield, and called the Ike Special. Wearing No. 57, Ike took the ball and began to run left. Although he appears to have stepped out of bounds, officials let the play continue - as his teammates ran interference and Lake Stevens players made reluctant efforts to get to him.

By the time the clock had expired, Ike was in the end zone. He had run for 51 yards and scored Snohomish's only touchdown of the night. He got to dance in the end zone. The play that worked every time in practice had worked that night in a real game. And Ike got to head to the sidelines to rip off his helmet, pump it in the air, and - in his mom's words - "scream like a banshee."

Grownups in the stands were crying. Lake Stevens players had given up a shutout for something far more important. Snohomish coaches and players had taken the final step in making Ike "one of the guys" with the team.

With all the scandals in sports at all levels, it's nice to come across a story that affirms what games are supposed to teach - character, sportsmanship, team spirit, and self-confidence. Ike and his big brothers can talk football like never before for the rest of their lives now. The guys on the field that wonderful night can talk forever about the biggest play in their high school careers.

If you missed it, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb_4f5nXZdA. It's a highlight play you don't want to miss.

BY: Rubel Shelly

Rubel Shelly is a Preacher and Professor of Religion and Philosophy located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. In addition to church and academic responsibilities, he has worked actively with such community projects as Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, From Nashville With Love, Metro (Nashville) Public Schools, Faith Family Medical Clinic, and Operation Andrew Ministries. To learn more about Rubel please go to: www.RubelShelly.com

The Eagle

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