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The Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011Views: 406
Oct 31, 2011 2:03 pmThe Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

This is the New Thread for my Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011.

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Nov 03, 2011 6:28 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

I never in a million years thought that there would be such a life-changing message learned around making a purchase.

It was a simple thought.

I recently was caught speeding and was fined $148.00. It upset my day. No, it destroyed my week.


Not too long ago I worked a week for that amount.

My lifestyle has changed. I'm always in a hurry. In fact, just a few months prior to the fine I was pulled over but was given a warning. The only other time I got a ticket was when I was in my early twenties.

What was happening to me? I needed to make changes and fast.

There I go again, fast.

I thought about it for days. Why was this happening? What could I do to prevent this? Slow down? Nah. I'll get a radar detector! Wow! I never had one before. Now I'll be able to continue this break neck speed. (Bad choice of words.) They'll never catch me.

But I caught myself. No. My youngest son caught me. "A radar detector? Why did you get that, Dad?"

OK. You explain it to your child. "I got it so I could break the law and go too fast while under pressure and getting nowhere fast, son." I stumbled with my words. I'm a professional speaker. I could not rightfully explain why I bought a radar detector. Every reason I had was wrong.

I held on to it for about a week. I told my wife about my conversation with Evan. The next day I returned it. But from stupidity comes virtue. I had the greatest lesson to share with my son. I told him just yesterday that I returned it.

"Why?" he asked. "Because of you, Evan.

I realized that the only reason I bought one was so that I could break the law. What kind of lesson was I teaching you?"

God I was proud of myself. As my 83-year-old friend, Violet says..."Hurry slowly." "That which grows slowly, endures."

I grew up that day.

But in a hurry.

God Bless!

by: Bob Perks, www.BobPerks.com

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Nov 10, 2011 7:24 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

This week, I told some friends that "for some reason" I've been unusually energized, focused and productive. Afterward, I realized there's no mystery. I know exactly why I'm so excited: Winter is coming!

Obviously, every season has its strong points, but for me fall and winter have always been connected with "production." I think of winter days spent reading, writing, being on the phone with colleagues, getting stuff done. The crisp, cool mornings energize me, and I love that!

It’s autumn and this is the BEST time to achieve your most important goals!

Since you won't be tempted by the beach, how will you use the time? Since you won't be playing much golf or tennis, what projects will you focus on and get DONE this winter?

Your possibilities are unlimited! Some will be buying real estate while interest rates are low and the competition refuses to fight the snow and cold. Some will take that trip to Fiji or Rio they've dreamed about all these years! Others will be making sales and earning fantastic year-end commissions. How will YOU use the dark days of winter?

Here's a key point: You aren't likely to hit anything in particular unless you DECIDE in advance and make the COMMITMENT to "git 'er done."

As long-time subscribers know, I am slightly suspicious of most "goals." I put "goals" in quotes because far too many of the "goals" I hear about are merely nice-sounding hot air. Many "goals" are just written descriptions of things we wish or hope or fantasize about, and they become set-ups for frustration.

The reality is that human beings are magnificent goal- achieving creatures, but ONLY when we aim at SPECIFIC targets that we REALLY want! Writing down a nice-sounding number because your doctor wants you to exercise, or your boss wants you to sell more is usually a waste of time. Don't do that to yourself!

Instead, decide what you really want to achieve this winter. What would be fun and exciting? What would give you a powerful sense of fulfillment or delight? Is there a 90-day project that would make life better? If it fires you up and gets you going, write it down and go for it!

Second, make it measurable and specific. Put some dates and numbers on it! Do a thousand push-ups in 30 days. Increase sales 18% by year-end or read (and finish) "War and Peace" by your birthday. Be daring. Be specific. Go big!

Third, develop a reasonable (believable) strategy. A goal without a plan is just a pipe dream, so figure out how you can "win" this time. Will you get up earlier? Will you re- write your website? Will you make more calls, or hire a coach? You need a "recipe" to achieve your goal, a blueprint for success. Take time to do it right.

Fourth, tell some people who will cheer you on and hold you accountable. This can be tricky because many people will claim to support you while in fact they raise doubts, criticize or undermine you. So choose carefully, but get some cheerleaders!

Fifth--this is the easy part--get to work! Now that you've got a target, a plan and a support team, DO what you've promised to do. Make the calls. Run the laps. Put the money in savings. Read a few pages each day. Whatever your goal and your strategy for achievement, "git 'er done."

For winners, winter is an amazingly time of year. While nature (and most of the competition) is sleeping, winners use the winter to stay focused and achieve greatness. What will you accomplish this winter? What magnificent goals will you achieve? Decide to make this your most productive season ever, then get to work. Make it happen. "Git 'er done!"

Author Unknown

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Nov 17, 2011 7:20 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

The world is too big for us, too much going on, too many crimes, too much violence and excitement. Try as you will, you get behind in the race, in spite of yourself It's an incessant strain, to keep pace... and still, you lose ground.

Science empties its discoveries on you so fast that you stagger beneath them in hopeless bewilderment. The political world is news seen so rapidly, you're out of breath trying to keep pace with who's in and who's out. Everything is high pressure. Human nature can't endure much more!

~Atlantic Journal, June 16, 1833~

In times like these, it is helpful to remember that there have always been times like these”

~Paul Harvey~

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Nov 24, 2011 7:20 amThe Eagle's Network Marketing Day Messages for November 2011#

The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

Facing The Enemies Within

By: Jim Rohn

We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers.

Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of it. Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

Let me tell you about five of the other enemies we face from within. The first enemy that you've got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference. What a tragic disease this is. "Ho-hum, let it slide. I'll just drift along." Here's one problem with drifting: you can't drift your way to the top of the mountain.

The Eagle

Private Reply to The Eagle: Motivating Champions Around The World

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